Albums containing pictures of architecture [manuscript], n.d.


Albums containing pictures of architecture [manuscript], n.d.

Undated albums contain postcards and photographs of various architectural examples collected by Benno Janssen.

12 v.


SNAC Resource ID: 7923619

University of Virginia. Library

Related Entities

There are 1 Entities related to this resource.

Janssen, Benno, 1874-1964 (person)

Architect, partner in the firms of Janssen & Abbott and Janssen & Cocken. Janssen is best remembered for monumental buildings such as the William Penn Hotel (1914-16 and 1927-1928), and Mellon Institute (1931-1937); and Mellon Institute (1931-1937); and the Janssen firms were responsible for many other prominent Pittsburgh buildings. Janssen's lasting significance probably lies in the area of domestic design. Here, as elsewhere, Janssen's sources were many and eclectic, but he developed ...